While deciding to employ a medicine, the risks to take medicine must be weighed against the good it will be enough. It is a decision you and your doctor will make. For inhibitors of reductase of HMG-CoA, which follows should be considered: Allergy-statement with your doctor if you ever had any reaction not very common or allergic to the inhibitors of reductase of HMG-CoA. To say moreover to your professional health if you are allergic to other substances, such as foods, with the condoms, or the dyes. To follow mode-Before prescribing medicines to lower your cholesterol, your doctor will probably try to order your state by prescribing a personal mode for you. Such a mode will be lower in total grease, in particular saturated grease, and dietetic cholesterol. Many people can order their state by carefully according to the orders of their doctor for the suitable mode and the exercise. Medicine is prescribed only when the additional assistance is necessary and is effective only when one program of mode and exercise is correctly followed. Moreover, this medicine is less effective if you are considerably excessive weight. It can be very important that you combine with a reducing mode. However, to check with your doctor before going on any mode.Inhibitors of réductase of Pregnancy-HMG-CoA should not be employed during the pregnancy or by the women who project to become pregnant in the near future. These medicines block the formation of the cholesterol, which is necessary for the foetus to develop correctly. The inhibitors of réductase of HMG-CoA can pose defects of birth or other problems in the baby if taken during the pregnancy. An effective form of birth control should be employed during the treatment with these medicines. To check with your doctor immediately if you think that you became pregnant while taking this medicine. To be sure that you discussed this with your doctor. Centre-feed-these medicines are not recommended for the use during breast feeding to the centre because they can cause effects nondesired in the nutritive babies. Child-study on this medicine were made only in patients of adult, and there is no specific information comparing the use of the inhibitors of reductase of HMG-CoA in the children with the use in other groups of age. However, the atorvastatin, the lovastatin, and the simvastatin were employed in a number limited children below 18 years. The first information seems to prove that these medicines can be effective in the children, but their long-term safety was not studied. Older adult-This medicine was examined in a number limited of patients 65 years or more old man and was not shown to pose various side effects or problems in people older than it makes in younger adults.