To choose the right medication of high the arterial tension can be difficult. To discover that of the several options of the drug he is appropriate for you. The dozens of medications of high the arterial tension (antihypertensives) are available, each one with pros and against. The national program of the education of high the arterial tension - a coalition of the professional, the public, and the voluntary agencies of the organization and federals - has established the guidelines that recommend medications of high the arterial tension to use when trying to lower high the arterial tension. Here it is a glance in his recommendations of the medication of high the arterial tension. To have present that the medication that your doctor suggests for you can be different due to your specific situation. If you have prehypertension (120/80 to 139/89) You are in the way to develop high the arterial tension. Even though probable sensation very well, if your arterial pressure loss within this range you are stopped a good occasion to develop the true high arterial tension. But not aterrarte. With appropriate modifications of the life form, you can reduce your occasion to develop high the arterial tension. In order to avoid problems: Not to smoke. To eat a healthy diet, being centered in the milky fruits, vehicles and products with little fat and to control specially your product of the salt (sodium). To maintain a weight healthy. To exercise obtaining 30 minutes of moderate activity - an energetic long walk is even good - in most of the days of the week. To limit your daily product of the alcohol - a drink for women and two for the men. You will not need to take medications from high the arterial tension if you have prehypertension but you are probably of another healthy way. Nevertheless, if you have diabetes, disease of the kidney or cardiac disease, your doctor could prescribe medications such as diurética (pills of the water). Work of the diurética cleaning excess of water and sodium with a water spurt of the body, thus lowering the arterial pressure. If you have high arterial tension of the stage 1 (140/90 to 159/99) If you have hypertension of stage 1, you have a systolic pressure (superior number) extending from the 140 to 159 or of a diastólica pressure (inferior number) that extends from the 90 to 99. If both numbers are in this range, also you have high arterial tension of stage 1. Your doctor can suggest the diurética first that also tries - called pills of the water. The work of the diurética cleaning excess of water and sodium with a water spurt of the body, thus lowering the arterial pressure, and can rather along with be the changes of the life form to control your arterial pressure. To follow the habits healthy of the life form along with medications to treat high the arterial tension. Although three types of the diurética are available, the first option is generally thiazide diurético. The diurética of Thiazide typically has few indirect effect that other types of the diurética. Also they offer the protection hard against the conditions that high the arterial tension can cause, for example movement and cardiac unemployment. A diurético can be the only medication of the high tension arterial that you need. But under some circumstances, your doctor can also recommend adding of another medication. Those options include: Blockers beta. These work reducing signals of the nerve to the heart and the blood vessels, thus lowering the arterial pressure. inhibitors of the enzyme Angiotensin-that turn (AS). These blood vessels of the aid relax blocking the production of a hormone that makes the blood vessels narrow. Blockers of the receiver of Angiotensin II. These allow the blood vessels are high and mighty avoiding that a called hormone angiotensin affects the containers. Blockers of the channel of calcium. These avoid that the calcium between the cells of the heart and the muscle of the blood vessel, thus making the cells relax, that the arterial pressure lowers. The addition of one of these medications can lower your arterial pressure more quickly than to be able only taking a diurético. This can reduce the risk of developing complications of high the arterial tension. To combine two medications can also allow that you take one more a smaller dose from each one, that can reduce indirect effect and to perhaps be less expensive. The medication option in the combination depends again on your individual circumstances. If you have high arterial tension of stage 2 (above of 160/100) If you have high arterial tension of stage 2, you have 160 a systolic pressure of or upper or one diastólica pressure of 100 or upper. (If both readings are high, also you have high arterial tension of stage 2). In this case, you will probably need to at least take two medications from high the arterial tension when you begin the treatment. Like with l a hipertensión de la etapa 1, tu voluntad del doctor prescribe probablemente un thiazide diurético. Trabajo de la diurética limpiando exceso de agua y el sodio con un chorro de agua del cuerpo, así bajando la presión arterial. Junto con un diurético, tu doctor puede recomendar que también tomas: Un inhibidor del AS. Esta medicación ayuda a los vasos sanguíneos para relajar bloqueando la producción de una hormona que haga los vasos sanguíneos enangostar. Un blocker del receptor del angiotensin II. Esta medicación permite los vasos sanguíneos ensanchen evitando que una hormona llamada angiotensin afecte los recipientes. Un blocker beta. Esta clase de drogas trabaja reduciendo señales del nervio al corazón y a los vasos sanguíneos, así bajando la presión arterial. Un blocker del canal del calcio. Esta medicación evita que el calcio entre las células del corazón y del músculo del vaso sanguíneo, así causando the cells to relax, which lowers blood pressure. When your blood pressure is this severely elevated, it's important to reduce it quickly to prevent or delay complications. A two-drug combination generally works faster than does a single drug to get your blood pressure under control. And as with stage 1 hypertension, this one-two punch can offer protection against heart disease, kidney failure and stroke. Sometimes a third, or more, medication may be needed to achieve your blood pressure goal. If you have isolated systolic hypertension Sometimes only the systolic, or top, blood pressure reading is elevated. This becomes more common with age, especially once you pass age 60. Though only the upper reading is high, your doctor will still probably recommend a high blood pressure medication. In most cases, he or she will probably suggest a low dose of a thiazide diuretic (water pill). Your doctor might also suggest trying long-acting calcium antagonists (calcium channel blockers). If you have high blood pressure and other health problems High blood pressure often goes hand in hand with other health problems. Certain conditions are compelling enough to warrant more aggressive treatment. Those conditions are: Heart failure Previous heart attack High risk of coronary artery disease Enlarged left chamber of the heart (left ventricular hypertrophy) Diabetes Chronic kidney disease Previous stroke Hypertension itself puts you at higher risk of having one of these conditions. If you already have one or more of these conditions plus high blood pressure, your chance of developing a life-threatening complication increases. A more aggressive treatment approach may reduce your risk of these complications. Your doctor may recommend specific high blood pressure medications to treat these conditions, as well as additional medications for your high blood pressure. For example, if you have chest pain (angina), your doctor may recommend a beta blocker, which can lower your blood pressure and also prevent your chest pain, reduce your heart rate and decrease your risk of death. If you have diabetes and high blood pressure, taking a thiazide diuretic plus an ACE inhibitor can decrease your risk of heart attack and stroke. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney disease, you may need to add additional medications to the mix, such as an angiotensin II receptor blocker. Reaching your goal No matter what your health situation, finding the dose or combination of medication that effectively controls your blood pressure often takes time, patience and diligence. The process can be challenging. But the stakes are high. If you don't reduce your blood pressure, you face such complications as heart failure, heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, dementia and vision loss. Don't be satisfied until you find a treatment strategy that reduces your blood pressure to the goal you and your doctor have set. It's not unusual to try several different medications or doses before finding what works best for you. But the good news is that in most cases, a combination of medication and lifestyle changes can help you successfully control your blood pressure. Once that's done, your doctor may recommend a gradual reduction in medications while monitoring your response; however, don't attempt to do this on your own.